Introduction The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS’) gives guidance on the tax treatment of foreign exchange transactions. In its circular dated 14 June 2024, it noted that the treatment prescr0.1ibed by the International Financial Reporting Standard, although sufficient for accounting purpose is not the same treatment for tax purpose and as such requires some adjustments […]
Introduction The mandatory payment of 50% of tax assessed has been reversed. This is a fundamental change in the Rules. Now a taxpayer who intends to appeal would not need to pay 50% of the disputed tax into an account designated by the Tax Appeal Tribunal (TAT) as security for the appeal. Voiding Court Order […]
INTRODUCTION Pursuant to section 12(2)(a) of the NITDA Act (National Information Technology Development), companies and enterprises enumerated in the Third Schedule and having turnover of #100,000,000 and above are liable to pay a levy of 1% of their Profit before Tax (PBT), in the relevant accounting year. The Third Schedule provides; – Businesses which section12(2)(a) […]
Facts You Need To Know Introduction Section 66 of the CITA provides: “If the Service discovers or is of the opinion at any time that any company liable to tax has not been assessed or has been assessed at a lesser amount than that which ought to have been charged, the Service may, within the […]
This articles aims to explore the highlights of the 2022 Finance Bill and how it will influence the future of taxation in Nigeria.